- Week 2-


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Previous Knowledge

I had no knowledge of any kind of programming or even heard of python as a programming language.


Current Knowledge


This was one the topics throughout the whole SKE which I found the most challenging. As I had no knowledge at all in regards to programming, I found it difficult to grasp the whole concept of how python is used and the different rules involved. I did use tutorials in code academy, which did increase my understanding of the basic commands such as print, prompt, pass etc. and also the more complex things such as for and while loops. I have also learnt the difference between what procedures and functions are and how to use them.



When set a basic task I can recognise what the is expected of me to get the program working such as having a for or while loop or an infinite loop.



I struggle with actually putting into practice what I have learnt, I also get confused on how to set out the coding which then leads to an error. In order to increase my knowledge I think I need programming to be a key focus for myself and need to spend time going over the basic things I have learnt so I can get a thorough understanding of the subject. I could also use tutorials online to help me.


Lesson Ideas

I would look at using code academy as a starting point as there are online tutorials to break it down. This was something which I found was affective in helping me to understand python as it simplified the coding.


Click here for more information


Trace Tables


Previous Knowledge

I had no knowledge of what trace tables were or what their purpose was.


Current Knowledge

I am now aware that trace tables are used to check their code for any errors and it ensures that the code will work and show the anticipated outcome, or if there is an error, it highlights where the error is. I also know how to set out the trace tables and that the variables go across the top row of the table and actual code is on the left side. I understood how to do trace tables when it was first shown and can now comfortably set out a trace table for a basic algorithm. I can fill in the different fields and recognise if there is a problem.



I find it quite simple to construct a trace table, as it involves recognising the variables and the different elements of the algorithm and then splitting up the columns and rows according to them.



I am confident I can create a trace table for a basic algorithm, however, I must also look at applying it to a more complex code.


Lesson Ideas

I would begin with showing the pupils some basic code to see if they can identify the variables and the different parts to the code. Before creating a trace table, I think it is vital they have a solid understanding of how the code is separated so they can apply it different algorithm.



Click here for more information